
Showing posts from 2010

My Winter Update

Wow, it has truly been forever since I have touched this blog! I'm ashamed to have abandoned it for so long, but I have been extremely busy with work! (And I really can't complain about working too much, because I LOVE my job!) Over the past few months I STILL get people stopping me and asking me if I was on True Life. And every time I don't expect it at all. People have really surprised me when saying they 'cried during my episode' or just 'really felt for me and understood exactly where I am coming from.' I really can't express enough how much it means to me that I have hit a chord with so many viewers. That really was my honest goal in being a part of the show. It wasn't for my 15 minutes of fame, or to get people to recognize me on the street. I really just wanted people to learn about my battles with my breast size and for girls with similar emotions to realize that their "problem" is felt by so many. You aren't alone lad...